Our Founder ♥ Kay Duffy ♥
Her legacy continues...

Tribute to our Founder *Kay Duffy* 1927-2016
Our beloved Kay Duffy's commitment and dedication to helping animals started at a very young age. It was her calling she always said - her passion in life - and that deeply rooted passion remained near and dear to her heart to the very end.
In 1983, Kay single handedly founded and incorporated Pet Adoption Fund as a nonprofit, no kill, dog and cat rescue organization in Los Angeles. The organization was not only the first true no kill shelter around, but it soon became the biggest no kill shelter in southern California that ever existed in its time.
Running a no kill shelter was not only one of Kay’s greatest achievements in life, but it was also her dream job. Kay remained fully involved in operating the facility from inception and up to her last days on earth. Kay always attributed her success to God, to her genuine love for rescuing, and most of all, to the help and support of the animal loving community that she so loved and appreciated.
Kay was always such an inspiration. She was truly an angel on earth and a legend in her own right.
Kay left us with no regrets. Her heart was full knowing how many animals and people she impacted, and she made sure that her legacy would continue and her vision would live on. Her memory will always shine here at Pet Adoption Fund.
~Forever in our hearts...♥
-PAF Staff & Volunteers